110th Anniversary of Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969)
Horkheimer and Adorno in April 1964
Theodor W. Adorno, sociologist, music theoretician and composer, was born 110 years ago on 11 September 1903, in Frankfurt-am-Main.
His mother, a singer, early on established for her son a musical background. Until 1921 Adorno studied philosophy, psychology, sociology and musicology in his town of birth, and from that time began his occupation as a music critic. In 1925 he went to Vienna, where he undertook composition studies with Alban Berg. Adorno was a member of the editorial staff for the music journal Musikblätter des Anbruch in which he covered the circumstances of the modern idiom in countless articles.
Universal Edition has issued articles by Adorno in the following publications (all in German):
Musikblätter des Anbruch – facsimile edition on CD-Rom (UE 45014)
Studien zur
Volume 1 - Symposion für Musikkritik (UE
Volume 2 - Essays: Konzeption
eines Wiener Operntheaters (UE 26802)
12 - Adorno und die Musik (UE 26812)
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